Getting ready for winter often implies starting the dreaded Christmas shopping and pre-ordering turkey, but your business needs to prepare for the eventualities of winter as well, which is why it’s important to get your business office ready for winter as soon as the temperature starts to drop. Here’s how to prepare for winter in your office:
Safeguard employees against illness
You can’t stop people from picking up bugs, especially during the winter, but the pandemic has shown that safety prevention measures can help stop the spread of illness. In addition to making it clear that those that are ill should stay home – either off sick or working from home until they’re feeling better – you can also ensure that there is enough hand sanitiser and tissues, encourage social distancing, and educate employees on good hygiene practices that should be straightforward. If you’re based in a serviced office space then things like bathrooms should be taken care of in terms of regular cleaning and provision of soap etc.
Plan for extreme weather
In spite of a generally mild winter so far, there’s always risk of snow, storms or gales. Make sure that employees know the policies in place in terms of making sure they can get to the office safely. When choosing an office space initially it’s worth thinking ahead to winter and ensuring you pick somewhere near main roads that are regularly treated and monitored, and somewhere with free onsite parking.
Keep spirits up
When afternoons are darker and colder it can be a little disheartening. Keep your office’s spirits up with treats like swanky hot chocolate on hand, and make the most of festivals such as Christmas and Hannukah. Get some plants into the office to keep some greenery going and even plant some early flowering bulbs so people can see the start of spring as soon as it’s imminent.
Reflect and make plans
2021, and 2020 for that matter, may not have been the year we were expecting, and there have been significant challenges. Make sure that your employees know that their efforts have been appreciated, reflect on any triumphs, and get everyone together to discuss ideas for what we hope with be a happier 2022.
Business office space in Surrey
If you’re looking for office space in Surrey to plan for 2022 in, get in touch for a tour of SEND Business Centre and to discuss our flexible contracts.