Office style might be seen as a ‘nice to have’ where it’s just a matter of prettying up the workspace, but in reality, your office style can be just as much about efficiency as it is about design. Many modern office design trends are actually good ways of increasing both productivity and efficiency, with the side benefit of making the office a better-looking place to be.

Which office style tips are going to help your business increase efficiency?

Dual monitors

Multiple screens on the same desk might look high tech but in reality, they can help speed up a large number of tasks. Instead of having to flit from tab to tab, or window to window, your team will be able to see everything at the same time.

Ergonomic seating

Where office workers are sitting for long periods of time, this sitting time can have health complications if not well managed. There is a range of office chairs – ergonomic seating options – that can support office workers’ backs when seated. These ergonomic chairs require specific seating positions such as ensuring necks are central and relaxed, legs are flat to the floor, and arms are parallel to the floor in order for a comfortable working day when sat down. This has the potential to reduce illness and injury in staff members, increase productivity in the long term, as well as be an attractive seating option.

Desk storage

You might think with everything stored online, storage for employees isn’t an essential item for the office. However, giving staff somewhere to keep items they’ll need on a regular basis will reduce wandering around and more importantly, being able to keep phones out of sight so office workers aren’t tempted to enjoy a quick game of Candy Crush.

Office plants

Having lots of plants around the workspace helps produce cleaner air, and also motivates employees to be more energetic and creative. Scientific studies have proven the positive outcomes of having more greenery in the office, which include reducing stress as well as increasing productivity and creativity.

Modern, flexible office space with office design potential

If you’re looking for an office space to rent where you can increase efficiency and productivity with great office design, get in touch with the team at SEND Business Centre.